Monday, January 16, 2012


This topic about Arithmetic Operations is very confusing especially the long method in solving a subtraction but as time goes by I'm luckily understand it while solving more and more problems and exercises. It becomes now easy for me to solve.... ^_^

There are some rules for Binary Addition:

Binary Addition Rules 

0 + 1 = 1 

1 + 0 = 1 

0 + 0 = 0 

1 + 1 = 0 (carry one) 

1 + 1 + carry = 1 (carry one)

Rules for Subtraction:

Binary Subtraction Rules

  • take the second value (the number to be subtracted) and apply TWO'S COMPLEMENT (change 1 for 0 and 0 for 1)

  • add 1 to the result (of two’s complement)

  • add the complemented value to the first value;  during addition we disregard the last carry

Rules for Multiplication:
Binary Multiplication Rules

  • Binary multiplication can be achieved in a similar fashion to multiplying decimal values.  

  • Multiply each digit using the standard method;  

  • Add the results using the binary addition rules 

Rules for Division:
Binary Division Rules

  • Binary division can be achieved in a similar fashion to dividing decimal values.  

  • Divide the divisor from the dividend 

  • Use the simple subtraction rules whenever necessary, as follows: 
0 – 0 = 0   
1 – 1 = 0   
1 – 0 = 1   
0 – 1 = 1 (with borrow) 


Back then in my high school days I remember this topic is quite complicated. It is advantage for me now because I have encountered it in the past. It is much now easier to understand but there are times that I find it difficult and confusing. I'm happy that I fully understand the conversion of numbers to binary, to octal, to decimal, and to hexadecimal and be able to figure out some shortcuts to get it....


Remember if it is Binary the numbers are only 0 and 1.


And, if it is Octal the numbers are 0 to 7


Hexadecimal has sixteen numbers. The numbers 0 to 9 and use a letters from A to F representing the numbers from 11 to 15. Example 10 is equivalent to A, B is equivalent to 11 , and so on and so forth.





This topic gives as a knowledge about the Types of Computers and be able to see the differences.

The first type of computers is the SUPERCOMPUTERS it is one of the computers that has a most processing power and it was used for scientific and military work.
The second type of computer is the MAINFRAMES it is not as powerful and generally not as expensive as supercomputers and it was used by large corporations, where data processing is centralized and large databases are maintained.
The third type of computer is the MIDRANGE COMPUTERS

§Minicomputers are smaller and less expensive than mainframe computers. Minicomputers are usually designed to accomplish specific tasks such as process control, scientific research, and engineering applications.

Servers typically support computer networks, enabling users to share files, software, peripheral devices, and other network resources. 

The fourth type of computer is the MICROCOMPUTERS which also called as Personal Computers (PCs). This computer is the smallest and least expensive category of general-purpose computers.
And lastly the MOBILE DEVICES a platforms for computing and communications include such mobile devices a Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) or handheld personal computers. Another platform is mobile phone handsets with wireless and Internet access capabilities.


Another part of the lecture that have been discussed was the..

Components of Computer Hardware

INPUT DEVICES it accepts data and instructions and convert them to a form that the computer can understand.

OUTPUT DEVICES it presents data in a form people can understand

LCD,  Speaker, Printer

CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT it manipulates the data and controls the tasks done by the other components and it is the center of all computer-processing activities, where all processing is controlled, data are manipulated, arithmetic computation are performed, and logical comparisons are made.

COMMUNICATION DEVICES it provides for the flow of data from external computer networks (e.g., Internet, intranets) to the CPU, and from the CPU to computer networks.


§The Primary Storage (internal storage) is a temporarily stores data and program instructions during processing. It also stores intermediate results of the processing. While, the Secondary Storage (external) stores data and programs for future use. 


I have learned the three Components of Computer System, the Peopleware, Software and the last is the Hardware...

Peopleware is the most important component of computer system. People use the power of the computer for some purpose.

Software is a set of programs, procedures, routines and documents associated with the operation of a computer system. It is the name given to the program that causes a computer to carry out a particular operations.

Hardware  it refers to the physical equipment that make up a computer system.



First Generation - 1940-1956: Vacuum Tubes 

Second Generation - 1956-1963: Transistors

Third Generation - 1964-1971: Integrated Circuits


Fourth Generation - 1971-Present: Microprocessors

Fifth Generation - Present and Beyond: Artificial Intelligence

From generation to generation our technologies become more high tech and more efficient to use. Since the computer was introduced it becomes more popular to the people we can see computers now in our homes, in school, in offices and etc. It turns out to be a central tool for our daily lives. It is used in all the aspect of life, in research, teaching, accounting and as a tool of entertainment. It is good to know that as our technologies progressing it becomes more convenient for us and faster to use but remember we must not abuse of using the computer..... 

Sunday, January 15, 2012


          IT Fundamentals is a major subject that we IT students must study and this topic will give us and introduction to the field we are taking up the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.

   But, before I continue Information Technology is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware.

          Also, When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology—”infotech”—defined as technology that merges computing with high-speed communications links carrying data, sound, and video.

          In the first day of our class the subject IT Fundamentals was introduce to us and give us an overview about it. As our teacher said this subject requires a lot of memorization and some topic requires computation.

           In the second meeting Miss discusses about.......

What is Computer?

          Computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), manipulate the data according to specified rules (process), produce information (output) from the processing, and store the results for future use.
          What we students usually don't know about Computer it is not only a device but a job title. It was used to describe human beings whose job was to perform repetitive computations.


The two most important aspects of cyberspace are the Internet and that part of it known as the World Wide Web.

Internet is mother of all networks and a worldwide network that connects up to 400,000 smaller networks in more than 200 countries while World Wide Web is the multimedia part of the net and an interconnected system of computers all over the world that store information in multimedia form.

Miss also differentiate the term Data and Information...

Data is the raw materials in the production of information while Information is a raw data or data that have been manipulated.

         As for its History, we have been able to know the different persons who were responsible for the development of computer.

      Did you know that the early aid for mathematical computations is not calculator or computer but the Abacus, its only value is that it aids the memory of the human performing the calculations.   
      In 1801, a Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard introduced  the use of punched cards.

Punched Cards
     In 1822, an English mathematician Charles Babbage proposed the Difference Engine, which was supposed to compute tables of numbers.  This was never finished, which eventually led to the Analytical Machine where the function/process of the modern day CPU was patterned.
Charles Babbage
" Father of theComputer"

Difference Engine

The first programmer is Ada Byron / Countess Lady Lovelace she wrote series of "Notes" wherein she detailed sequences of instructions she had prepared for the Analytic Engine.


§Ada  also invented the subroutine and was the first to recognize the importance of looping.
Ada Byron
In addition, in 19th Century Holerith established a company called the Tabulating Machine Company which known today as the International Business Machines ( IBM). Then, the IBM and Harvard had a partnership and made the Marlit is the first programmable digital computer made in the U.S. And, one of the primary programmers of Mark 1 is Grace Hopper.

Grace invented the word Debugging it is to describe the work to eliminate program faults. She was also the one who invented the world's first compiler that translates high level languages to machine readable format and the first high level language, the flowmatic, which later became known as COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language).  

Grace Hopper